air pressure change, see [Air, pressure]
cold X31assaultY08.89due toman-made conditionsW93.8dry ice (contact)W93.01inhalationW93.02liquid air (contact) (hydrogen) (nitrogen)W93.11inhalationW93.12refrigeration unit (deep freeze)W93.2suicide (attempt)X83.2weather X31homicide Y08.89self-inflictedX83.2
due to abandonment or neglectX58
electric currentW86.8appliance W86.8domesticW86.0caused by other personY08.89conductor W86.1control apparatus W86.1electric power generating plant, distribution stationW86.1electroshock gun, see [Exposure, electric current, taser]high-voltage cableW85homicide Y08.89legal execution, see [Legal, intervention, specified means NEC]lightningT75.0
live railW86.8misadventure in medical or surgical procedure in electroshock therapyY63.4motor W86.8domesticW86.0self-inflictedX83.1specified NECW86.8domesticW86.0stun gun, see [Exposure, electric current, taser]suicide X83.1taserW86.8assaultY08.89legal intervention, see [category Y35]self-harm X83.8undeternined intentY33third railW86.8transformer W86.1transmission linesW85
environmental tobacco smokeX58
excessivecold, see [Exposure, cold]heat NECX30man-madeW92
factor NOSX58environmental NECX58man-made NECW99natural NEC, see [Forces of nature]specified NECX58
fire, flames X08.8assaultX97campfire, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building]controlledwith ignition clothing, see also [Ignition, clothes]X06.2nightwearX05bonfire, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building]brazier , see also [Exposure, fire, controlled, building]not in building or structure, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building]building or structureX02.0withfall from buildingX02.3injury due to building collapseX02.2from buildingX02.5smoke inhalationX02.1hit by object from buildingX02.4specified mode of injury NECX02.8fireplace, furnace or stove, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, building]not in building or structureX03.0withfallX03.3smoke inhalationX03.1hit by objectX03.4specified mode of injury NECX03.8trash, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, not in building]fireplace, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, building]fittings or furniture , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, building]forest , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]grass , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]hay , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]homicide X97ignition of highly flammable materialX04in, of, on, starting inmachinery, see [Contact, with, by type of machine]motor vehicle , see also [Accident, transport, occupant by type of vehicle]V87.8with collision, see [Collision]railway rolling stock, train, vehicleV81.81with collision, see [Accident, transport, railway vehicle occupant]street car V82.8with collision, see [Accident, transport, streetcar occupant]transport vehicle NEC, see also [Accident, transport]with collision, see [Collision]war operations, see also [War operations, fire]from nuclear explosion, see [War operations, nuclear weapons]watercraft V91.09localized, see [Burn, on board watercraft, due to, fire on board]powered craftV91.03ferry boatV91.01fishing boatV91.02jet skisV91.03linerV91.01merchant shipV91.00passenger shipV91.01unpowered craftV91.08canoeV91.05inflatableV91.06kayakV91.05sailboatV91.04surf-boardV91.08waterskisV91.07windsurferV91.08lumber , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]mine , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]prairie , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]resulting fromexplosion, see [Explosion]lightningX08.8self-inflictedX76specified NECX08.8started by other personX97stove, see [Exposure, fire, controlled, building]stated as undetermined whether accidental or intentionalY26suicide X76tunnel , see [Exposure, fire, uncontrolled, not in building]uncontrolledin building or structureX00.0withfall from buildingX00.3injury due to building collapseX00.2jump from buildingX00.5smoke inhalationX00.1bedX08.00due tocigaretteX08.01specified material NECX08.09furniture NECX08.20due tocigaretteX08.21specified material NECX08.29hit by object from buildingX00.4sofaX08.10due tocigaretteX08.11specified material NECX08.19specified mode of injury NECX00.8not in building or structure X01.0withfallX01.3smoke inhalationX01.1hit by objectX01.4specified mode of injury NECX01.8undetermined whether accidental or intentionalY26
forces of nature NEC, see [Forces of nature]
G-forces W49.9
gravitational forces W49.9
heat NEC, see [Heat]
high-pressure jet W49.9
hydraulic jetW49.9
inanimate mechanical forceW49.9
jet, high-pressure W49.9
causing fire, see [Exposure, fire]
mechanical forces NECW49.9animate NECW64inanimate NECW49.9
noxious substance, see [Table of Drugs and Chemicals]
pneumatic jetW49.9
prolonged in deep-freeze unit or refrigeratorW93.2
radiation, see [Radiation]
smoke, see also [Exposure, fire]tobacco, second handZ77.22
specified factors NECX58
sunlightX32man-made W89.8tanning bedW89.1
supersonic wavesW42.0
transmission line , electricW85
weather NEC, see [Forces of nature]