Heart Sounds
Loud:MS, short PR interval, hyperkinetic heart, thin chest wall. Soft: Long PR interval, heart failure, mitral regurgitation, thick chest wall, pulmonary emphysema.
Normally A2 precedes P2 and splitting increases with inspiration; abnormalities include:
Low-pitched, heard best with bell of stethoscope at apex, following S2; normal in children; after age 30-35, indicates LV failure or volume overload.
Low-pitched, heard best with bell at apex, preceding S1; reflects atrial contraction into a noncompliant ventricle; found in AS, hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and coronary artery disease (CAD).
Opening Snap (OS)
High-pitched; follows S2 (by 0.06-0.12 s), heard at lower left sternal border and apex in MS; the more severe the MS, the shorter the S2-OS interval.
Ejection Clicks
High-pitched sounds following S1 typically loudest at left sternal border; observed in dilation of aortic root or pulmonary artery, congenital AS or PS; when due to the latter, click decreases with inspiration.
Midsystolic Clicks
At lower left sternal border and apex, often followed by late systolic murmur in mitral valve prolapse.
Heart Murmurs
(Fig. 112-3. Graphical Representation of the Pressure; Tables 112-1 Heart Murmurs and 112-2 Effects of Physiologic and Pharmacologic Interventions on the Intensity of Heart Murmurs and Sounds)
Systolic Murmurs
May be crescendo-decrescendo ejection type, pansystolic, or late systolic; right-sided murmurs (e.g., tricuspid regurgitation) typically increase with inspiration.
Diastolic Murmurs