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  1. Postoperative liver dysfunction has been associated to varying degrees with all of the volatile anesthetics in common use. Anesthetics may cause hepatitis that is mild and does not require a previous exposure. Another mechanism requires repeat exposure and probably represents an immune reaction to oxidatively derived metabolites of anesthetics.
  2. Ether-based anesthetics (isoflurane, desflurane, sevoflurane) maintain or increase hepatic artery blood flow while decreasing or not changing portal vein blood flow.


Inhaled Anesthetics

  1. Pharmacokinetic Principles
  2. Clinical Overview of Current Inhaled Anesthetics
  3. Neuropharmacology of Inhaled Anesthetics
  4. The Circulatory System
  5. The Pulmonary System
  6. Hepatic Effects
  7. Neuromuscular System and Malignant Hyperthermia
  8. Genetic Effects, Obstetric Use, and Effects on Fetal Development
  9. Anesthetic Degradation by Carbon Dioxide Absorbers
  10. Anesthetic Metabolism
  11. Clinical Utility of Volatile Anesthetics
  12. Pharmacoeconomics and Value-Based Decisions