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  1. Fluoride-Induced Nephrotoxicity
    1. The safety of sevoflurane with regard to fluoride concentrations may be caused by a rapid decline in plasma fluoride concentrations because of less availability of the anesthetic for metabolism from a faster washout compared with enflurane.
    2. Furthermore, a minimal amount of renal defluorination may contribute to the relative absence of renal concentrating defects.


Inhaled Anesthetics

  1. Pharmacokinetic Principles
  2. Clinical Overview of Current Inhaled Anesthetics
  3. Neuropharmacology of Inhaled Anesthetics
  4. The Circulatory System
  5. The Pulmonary System
  6. Hepatic Effects
  7. Neuromuscular System and Malignant Hyperthermia
  8. Genetic Effects, Obstetric Use, and Effects on Fetal Development
  9. Anesthetic Degradation by Carbon Dioxide Absorbers
  10. Anesthetic Metabolism
  11. Clinical Utility of Volatile Anesthetics
  12. Pharmacoeconomics and Value-Based Decisions