Therapeutic Classification: antianemics, vitamins
Pharmacologic Classification: water soluble vitamins
Absorption: Well absorbed from the GI tract and IM and SUBQ sites.
Distribution: Half of all stores are in the liver. Enters breast milk. Crosses the placenta.
Protein Binding: Extensive.
Metabolism/Excretion: Converted by the liver to its active metabolite, dihydrofolate reductase. Excess amounts are excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
Half-Life: Unknown.

Therapeutic Dose (Folic acid deficiency)
- PO IM IV SC (Adults and Children >11 yr): 1 mg/day initial dose then 0.5 mg/day maintenance dose.
- PO IM IV SC (Children >1 yr): 1 mg/day initial dose then 0.10.4 mg/day maintenance dose.
- PO IM IV SC (Infants ): 15 mcg/kg/dose daily or 50 mcg/day.
Recommended Daily Allowance
- PO (Adults and Children >15 yr): 0.2 mg/day.
- PO (Adults ): Females of reproductive potential: 0.40.8 mg/day.
- PO (Children 1114 yr): 0.15 mg/day.
- PO (Children 710 yr): 0.1 mg/day.
- PO (Children 46 yr): 0.075 mg/day.
- PO (Infants 6 mo3 yr): 0.05 mg/day.