Therapeutic Classification: antipyretics, antirheumatics, nonopioid analgesics
Pharmacologic Classification: nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids
Absorption: Oral formulation is well absorbed (80%) from the GI tract; IV administration results in complete bioavailability.
Distribution: Does not enter breast milk in significant amounts.
Protein Binding: 99%.
Metabolism/Excretion: Mostly metabolized by the liver; small amounts (1%) excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
Half-Life: Neonates: 2643 hr; Children: 12 hr; Adults: 24 hr.
Contraindicated in:
- Hypersensitivity (cross-sensitivity may exist with other NSAIDs, including aspirin);
- Active GI bleeding or ulcer disease;
- Chewable tablets contain aspartame and should not be used in patients with phenylketonuria;
- Coronary artery bypass graft surgery;
- History of recent MI;
- Severe HF;
- OB: Avoid use after 30 wk gestation;
- Pedi: Ibuprofen lysine: Preterm neonates with untreated infection, congenital heart disease where patency of PDA is necessary for pulmonary or systemic blood flow, bleeding, thrombocytopenia, coagulation defects, necrotizing enterocolitis, significant renal dysfunction.
Use Cautiously in:
- Cardiovascular disease or risk factors for cardiovascular disease (may ↑ risk of serious cardiovascular thrombotic events, MI, and stroke, especially with prolonged use or use of higher doses); avoid use in patients with recent MI or HF;
- Renal or hepatic disease, dehydration, or patients on nephrotoxic drugs (may ↑ risk of renal toxicity);
- Aspirin triad patients (asthma, nasal polyps, and aspirin intolerance); can cause fatal anaphylactoid reactions;
- Chronic alcohol use/abuse;
- Coagulation disorders;
- OB: Use at or after 20 wk gestation may cause fetal or neonatal renal impairment; if treatment is necessary between 20 wk and 30 wk gestation, limit use to the lowest effective dose and shortest duration possible;
- Lactation: Use while breastfeeding only if potential maternal benefit justifies potential risk to infant;
- Pedi: Safety and effectiveness not established for children <6 mo (oral) or <3 mo (IV Caldolor); hyperbilirubinemia in neonates (may displace bilirubin from albumin-binding sites); safety and effectiveness of ibuprofen lysine only established in premature infants;
- Geri: Appears on Beers list. ↑ risk GI bleeding or peptic ulcer disease in older adults. Avoid chronic use unless other alternatives are not effective and the patient can take a gastroprotective agent; avoid short-term use in combination with oral or parenteral corticosteroids, anticoagulants, or antiplatelet agents unless other alternatives are not effective and the patient can take a gastroprotective agent.
Exercise Extreme Caution in:
- History of GI bleeding or GI ulcer disease.

- PO (Adults ): Anti-inflammatory: 400800 mg 34 times daily (not to exceed 3200 mg/day). Analgesic/antidysmenorrheal/antipyretic: 200400 mg every 46 hr (not to exceed 1200 mg/day).
- PO (Children 6 mo12 yr): Anti-inflammatory: 3050 mg/kg/day in 34 divided doses (maximum dose: 2.4 g/day). Antipyretic: 5 mg/kg for temperature <102.5°F or 10 mg/kg for higher temperatures (not to exceed 40 mg/kg/day); may be repeated every 46 hr.
- PO (Infants and Children): Analgesic: 410 mg/kg/dose every 68 hr.
- IV (Adults ): Analgesic (Caldolor): 400800 mg every 6 hr as needed (not to exceed 3200 mg/day); Antipyretic (Caldolor): 400 mg initially, then 400 mg every 46 hr or 100200 mg every 4 hr as needed (not to exceed 3200 mg/day).
- IV (Children 1217 yr): Analgesic and antipyretic (Caldolor): 400 mg every 46 hr as needed (not to exceed 2400 mg/day).
- IV (Children 6 mo12 yr): Analgesic and antipyretic (Caldolor): 10 mg/kg (not to exceed 400 mg) every 46 hr as needed (not to exceed 40 mg/kg/day or 2400 mg/day, whichever is less).
- IV (Children 3<6 mo): Analgesic and antipyretic (Caldolor): 10 mg/kg (not to exceed 100 mg) as a single dose.
Pediatric OTC Dosing
- PO (Children 11 yr/7295 lb): 300 mg every 68 hr.
- PO (Children 910 yr/6071 lb): 250 mg every 68 hr.
- PO (Children 68 yr/4859 lb): 200 mg every 68 hr.
- PO (Children 45 yr/3647 lb): 150 mg every 68 hr.
- PO (Children 23 yr/2435 lb): 100 mg every 68 hr.
- PO (Children 1223 mo/1823 lb): 75 mg every 68 hr.
- PO (Infants 611 mo/1217 lb): 50 mg every 68 hr.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure
- IV (Neonates Gestational age ≤32 wk, 5001500 g): Neoprofen: 10 mg/kg followed by two doses of 5 mg/kg at 24 and 48 hr after initial dose.
ibuprofen: Advil, Advil Infants, Advil Junior Strength, Advil Migraine, Children's Advil, Childrens Motrin, Motrin IB, Motrin Infants Drops, Motrin Junior Strength, PediaCare IB Ibuprofen,
ibuprofen (injection): Caldolor, NeoProfen (ibuprofen lysine)
ibuprofen: Children's Europrofen, Motrin