Ingestion of plants is one of the top 10 causes of poisoning nationwide. Decorative plants are found in many homes, and home landscaped yards provide access to a variety of attractive and potentially toxic plants. Fortunately, serious poisoning from plants is rare in children because the quantity of plant material required to cause serious poisoning is greater than what a small child ingests. Serious toxicity or death from plant ingestion is usually a result of intentional use (eg, jimson weed), misuse (eg, various teas steeped from plants), or suicide attempts (eg, oleander).
Plants can be categorized by their potential toxicity. Table II-49 describes the effects of various plant toxins, and Table II-50 provides an alphabetical list of many potentially toxic plants and herbs.
TABLE II-49. PLANTS: SOME TOXIC COMPONENTSToxin or Source | Clinical Effects |
Aconite | Paresthesias, gastroenteritis, skeletal muscle paralysis, ventricular arrhythmias, respiratory paralysis, shock, death (see Aconite). |
Aesculin | Single seed can cause gastroenteritis. Larger amounts can cause ataxia, gastroenteritis, CNS depression, and paralysis. |
Anthraquinone | Severe diarrhea with GI bleeding, renal damage, dyspnea, and seizures. |
Cardiac glycosides | Nausea, vomiting, hyperkalemia, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension (see digoxin). |
Chinaberry | Gastroenteritis, lethargy, coma, respiratory failure, seizures, paralysis. |
Cicutoxin | Seizures, tremors, tachycardia, mydriasis, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rhabdomyolysis, death. |
Coniine | Similar to nicotine: vomiting, seizures, rhabdomyolysis, muscle paralysis, and respiratory arrest. |
Cyanogenic glycosides | Dyspnea, cyanosis, weakness, seizures, coma, cardiovascular collapse. Symptoms may be delayed for 3-4 hours or more as glycoside is hydrolyzed to cyanide. |
Cytisine | Vomiting, hallucinations, hypotension, tachycardia, paralysis, seizures, respiratory depression. |
Daphne | GI and skin irritant; vomiting bloody diarrhea; delirium, seizures, coma. |
Euphorbiaceae | Oral irritation, gastroenteritis. Erythema, edema, followed by vesicle and blister formation. Eye exposure may result in corneal ulceration, iritis, conjunctivitis, and temporary blindness. Systemic symptoms: seizures, coma, and death. |
Gelsemium indole alkaloids | Headache, sweating, muscular weakness or rigidity, seizures, dyspnea, bradycardia, respiratory arrest. |
Grayanotoxin | Burning, tingling of mouth, vomiting; hypotension, bradycardia, coma, seizures. |
Hydroquinone | Vomiting, jaundice, dizziness, headache, delirium, pallor, anoxia, seizures, respiratory failure, cyanosis, cardiovascular collapse. Allergic contact dermatitis. |
Lobeline | Similar to nicotine. |
Nicotine alkaloids | Vomiting and diarrhea; agitation, seizures followed by coma and respiratory arrest. Initial hypertension and tachycardia followed by hypotension and bradycardia. See Nicotine. |
Nitrites | Hypotension, tachycardia, methemoglobinemia (see Methemoglobinemia). |
Protoanemonin | Acrid burning taste, oral ulceration, gastroenteritis, hematemesis. |
Psoralens | Ultraviolet light-induced erythema, burns, pigmentation. |
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids | Gastroenteritis; hepatic injury due to veno-occlusive disease. |
Quinolizidine | Some lupines can cause anticholinergic syndrome. |
Sanguinaria | Gastroenteritis, CNS depression, dyspnea, edema, respiratory paralysis. |
Saponin | GI and skin irritant, mydriasis, hyperthermia, muscle weakness, dyspnea, coma. |
Solanine | Gastroenteritis; less commonly drowsiness, coma, hypotension, bradycardia. |
Tannin | Abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, liver and kidney injury. |
Toxalbumin | Severe gastroenteritis; shock; multiple-organ injury (see Ricin). |
Veratrum alkaloids | Gastroenteritis, bradycardia, AV block, syncope, paresthesias. |
Common Name | Botanical Name | Toxic Groupa | Remarks (see text and Table II-49) |
Acacia, black | Robinia pseudoacacia | 1 | Toxalbumin |
Ackee | Blighia sapida | 1 | Hypoglycemia, encephalopathy, seizures, vomiting, hypotonia, hepatotoxicity |
Aconite | Aconitum spp | 1 | Aconitum |
Acorn | Quercus spp | 3 | Tannin; dermatitis |
Agapanthus | Agapanthus spp | 3 | Dermatitis; GI irritant |
Agave | Agave spp | 3 | Saponin; dermatitis |
Alder, American | Alnus crispa | 3 | Dermatitis |
Alder buckthorn | Rhamnus frangula | 1 | Anthraquinone |
Almond, bitter | Prunus dulcis var amara | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Aloe vera | Aloe vera | 3 | GI upset, skin irritant |
Amaryllisb | Amaryllidaceae | 3 | GI upset |
Amaryllisb | Hippeastrum equestre | 3 | GI upset |
American bittersweet | Celastrus scandens | 1,3 | GI upset; convulsions, coma |
American ivy | Parthenocissus spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Anemone | Anemone spp | 1,3 | Protoanemonin; dermatitis |
Angelica | Angelica archangelica | 3 | Dermatitis, photosensitive (psoralens) |
Angel's trumpet | Brugmansia arborea, Datura spp | 1,3 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Anthurium | Anthurium spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Apple (chewed seeds) | Malus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Apricot (chewed pits) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Arrowhead vine | Syngonium podophyllum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Artemisia | Artemisia | 1,3 | Some species are toxic: vomiting, diarrhea, vertigo, visual color distortion, sweating, seizures, respiratory failure |
Arum | Arum spp | 1,2a | Calcium oxalate crystals. Arium maculatum can cause flushing, mydriasis, drowsiness, tachycardia |
Ash, white | Fraxinus Americana | 3 | Dermatitis |
Aspen tree | Populus tremuloides | 3 | Dermatitis |
Autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale | 1 | Colchicine |
Avocado (leaves and seeds) | Persea americana | 1 | Ripe fruit is edible, but leaves and seeds have caused illness in animals (unknown toxin): hyperexcitability, anorexia, cerebral and pulmonary hemorrhage |
Azalea | Rhododendron genus | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Azalea honey (mad honey) | Rhododendron genus | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Bahia | Bahia oppositifolia | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Balsam appleb | Clusia rosea | 3 | GI upset |
Balsam appleb | Momordica balsamina | 3 | GI upset |
Baneberry | Actaea spp | 1,3 | Irritant oil protoanemonin; dermatitis and severe gastroenteritis |
Barbados nut, purge nut | Jatropha curcas | 1 | Toxalbumin, Euphorbiaceae |
Barberry | Berberis spp | 1,3 | GI upset, hypotension, paresthesias, seizures |
Bear's grape, bearberry | Arctostaphylos uvo-ursi | 1,3 | Hydroquinone; berries edible |
Beech, European | Fagus sylvatica | 3 | Saponin-like |
Beech, Japanese | Fagus crenta | 3 | Saponin-like |
Begonia | Begonia rex | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Belladonna | Atropa belladonna | 1 | Atropine |
Bellyache bush | Jatropha gossypifolia | 1 | Euphorbiaceae |
Be-still tree | Thevetia peruviana | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Big root | Marah oreganus | 1,3 | GI upset, muscle cramping, shock, coagulopathy |
Birch (bark, leaves) | Betula spp | 1,3 | Methyl salicylate, irritant oils causing Gl upset |
Bird of paradiseb | Poinciana gillesi | 1,3 | GI upset; vertigo and drowsiness |
Bird of paradise flowerb | Streelizia reginae | 3 | GI upset |
Black cohosh | Cimicifuga spp | 3 | GI upset |
Black-eyed Susanb | Abrus precatorius | 1 | Toxalbumin |
Black-eyed Susanb | Rudbeckia hirta | 3 | Dermatitis |
Black henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Black lily | Dracunculus vulgaris | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Black locust | Robinia pseudoacacia | 1 | Toxalbumin |
Black nightshade | Solanum nigrum | 1 | Solanine |
Black snakerootb | Cimicifuga racemosa | 3 | GI upset; bradycardia |
Black snakeroot | Zigadenus venenosus | 1 | Veratrum alkaloids |
Bleeding heart | Dicentra Formosa | 1,3 | Dermatitis; in animals may cause tremor, ataxia, salivation, convulsions with large ingestions |
Bloodroot | Sanguinaria canadensis | 3 | Sanguinaria |
Blue bonnet | Lupinus spp | 1 | Quinolizidine |
Blue cohosh | Caulophyllum thalictroides | 1,3 | Cytisine; dermatitis. Saponin with weak nicotine-like activity |
Boston ivy | Parthenocissus spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Bougainvillea | Bougainvillea glabra | 3 | Dermatitis |
Box elder | Acer negundo | 3 | Dermatitis |
Boxwood | Buxus sempervirens | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Bracken fern | Pteridium aquilinum | 1 | Potential carcinogen |
Bradford pear | Pyrus calleryana | 3 | Dermatitis |
Buckeye, California | Aesculus spp | 1,3 | Aesculin |
Buckthorn | Karwinskia humboldtiana | 1 | Chronic ingestion may cause ascending paralysis; latent onset several weeks |
Buckthorn | Rhamnus frangula | 3 | Anthraquinone |
Bunchberry | Cornus canadensis | 3 | Dermatitis |
Burdock | Arctium lappa | 1,3 | Rarely causes anticholinergic syndrome |
Burning bushb | Dictamnus albus | 3 | Dermatitis, photosensitive |
Burning bushb | Euonymus atropurpurea | 3 | GI upset |
Burning bushb | Kochia scoparia | 1,2a,2b,3 | Soluble and insoluble oxalates; dermatitis; in animals may cause elevated bilirubin, polyuria |
Buttercup | Ranunculus spp | 3 | Protoanemonin |
Cactus (thorn) | Cactus | 3 | Dermatitis, cellulitis (abscess may result) |
Cactus, pencil | Euphorbia tirucalli | 3 | Euphorbiaceae |
Cactus, peyote | Lophophora williamsii | 1 | Vomiting, tachycardia, hallucinations |
Caladium | Caladium spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
California geranium | Senecio petasitis | 1,3 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids; dermatitis |
California poppy | Eschscholzia californica | 3 | Potentially mildly sedating, no recorded toxicity (does not contain opium) |
California privet | Ligustrum ovalifolium | 3 | Saponin |
Calla lily | Zantedeschia spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Candlenut | Aleurites moluccana | 1,3 | Euphorbiaceae |
Cannabis | Cannabis sativa | 1 | Mild hallucinogen (see Marijuana,) |
Cardinal flower | Lobelia cardinalis | 1 | Lobeline |
Carnation | Dianthus caryophyllus | 3 | Dermatitis; possible GI upset |
Carolina allspice | Calycanthus spp | 1 | Strychnine-like alkaloid |
Cascara | Rhamnus spp | 3 | Anthraquinone cathartic |
Cassava | Manihot esculenta | 1,3 | Cyanogenic glycosides; euphorbiaceae; dermatitis |
Castor bean | Ricinus communis | 1 | Toxalbumin (ricin) |
Catnip | Nepeta cataria | 1,3 | Mild hallucinogen; GI upset |
Cedar, giant | Thuja plicata | 3 | Dermatitis |
Celery | Apium graveolens var dulce | 3 | Dermatitis, photosensitive; leaves contain nitrites and fatalities reported in cattle ingesting large quantities |
Century plant | Agave americana | 3 | Thorns can cause cellulitis, sap causes dermatitis |
Chamomile | Anthemis cotula | 3 | Dermatitis (severe bullous dermatitis reported); GI upset |
Cherry (chewed pits) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Chili pepper | Capsicum spp | 3 | Irritant to skin, eyes, mucous membranes |
Chinaberry | Melia azedarach | 1,3 | Chinaberry; severe GI upset, seizures |
Chokecherry (chewed pits) | Prunus virginiana | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Christmas rose | Helleborus niger | 1,3 | Protoanemonin; saponin; possibly cardiac glycosides (see glycosides); dermatitis |
Chrysanthemum; mum | Chrysanthemum spp | 3 | Dermatitis, GI upset |
Clematis | Clematis spp | 3 | Protoanemonin |
Clover, whiteb | Trifolium repens | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Clover, sweetb | Melilotus alba and M officinalis | 1 | Coumarins |
Coffeeberry | Rhamnus californica | 3 | Anthraquinone |
Coffee tree | Polyscias guilfoyei | 3 | Saponin |
Cola nut | Cola nitida | 1 | Caffeine |
Comfrey | Symphytum officinale | 1,3 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Conquerer root | Exogonium purga | 3 | GI upset |
Coral bean | Erythrina herbacea | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Coralberryb | Rivina humilis | 3 | GI upset |
Coralberryb | Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | 3 | GI upset |
Coriaria | Coriaria japonica spp | 1 | Contains convulsant similar to picrotoxin |
Cotoneaster | Cotoneaster | 1,3 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Cottonwood | Populus deltoides | 3 | Dermatitis |
Coyotillo | Karwinskia humboldtiana | 1 | Chronic ingestion may cause ascending paralysis; latent onset several weeks |
Crab apples (chewed pits) | Malus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Creeping Charlie | Glechoma hederacea | 1,3 | GI upset; rarely toxic but horses poisoned after large ingestion: dilated pupils, sweating, slobbering |
Crocus, wild or prairie | Anemone spp | 3 | Protoanemonin |
Crotonb (houseplant) | Codiaeum spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Crotonb | Croton tiglium | 1 | Euphorbiaceae |
Crowfoot | Ranunculus repens | 1 | Protoanemonin |
Crown of thorns | Euphorbia spp | 1,3 | Euphorbiaceae |
Cyclamen | Cyclamen | 3 | GI upset |
Daffodil (bulb) | Narcissus spp | 2a,3 | Calcium oxalate crystals; GI upset |
Dagga | Cannabis sativa | 1 | Mild hallucinogen |
Daisyb | Chrysanthemum spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis (see Pyrethrins,) |
Daisy, butterb | Ranunculus repens | 1 | Protoanemonin |
Daisy, seasideb | Erigeron karvinskianus | 3 | Dermatitis |
Daphne | Daphne spp | 3 | Daphne |
Datura | Datura spp | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Deadly nightshadeb | Atropa belladonna | 1 | Atropine |
Deadly nightshadeb | Solanum spp | 1 | Solanine |
Death camas | Zigadenus venenosus | 1 | Veratrum alkaloids |
Devil's appleb | Several spp | 1 | Common name for several toxic species, including Datura, Solanum, Podophyllum |
Devil's appleb, devil's trumpet | Datura stramonium | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Devils ivy | Scindapsus aureus, Epipremnum aureum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Dieffenbachia | Dieffenbachia spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Dill | Anethum graveolens | 3 | Dermatitis |
Dogbane | Apocynum spp | 1 | Possibly cardiac glycosides |
Dogwood, bloodtwig | Cornus sanguinea | 3 | Dermatitis |
Doll's-eyes | Actaea spp | 3 | Irritant oil protoanemonin; severe gastroenteritis, dermatitis |
Dragon root | Arisaema dracontium | 2a,3 | Calcium oxalate crystals; dermatitis |
Dumbcane | Dieffenbachia spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Dusty miller | Senecio leucostachys | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Echium | Echium vulgare | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Eggplant (green parts) | Solanum melongena | 1 | Solanine |
Elderberry | Sambucus spp | 1,3 | Unripe berries, leaves, stems, bark cause diarrhea; Cyanogenic glycosides |
Elephant's ear, taro | Alacasia spp, Colocasia spp, Philodendron spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Elm, Chinese | Ulmus parvifolia | 3 | Dermatitis |
English ivy | Hedera helix | 3 | Saponin; dermatitis |
English laurel | Prunus laurocerasus | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus | 3 | GI upset |
False hellebore | Veratrum spp | 1,3 | Veratrum alkaloids |
False parsleyb (water hemlock) | Cicuta maculata | 1 | Cicutoxin: seizures |
False parsleyb (lesser hemlock) | Aethusa cyanapium | 1 | Coniine |
Fava bean | Vicia faba | 1 | Hemolytic anemia in G6PD-deficient persons |
Ficus (sap) | Ficus spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Fiddle-leaf fig | Ficus spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Fig | Ficus carica | 3 | Dermatitis |
Fig, creeping or climbing | Ficus pumila | 3 | Dermatitis |
Firethorn | Pyracantha | 3 | GI upset, thorn injury |
Flag | Iris spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Flax | Linum usitatisimum | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Fleabane | Erigeron spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Fool's parsley | Aethusa cyanapium | 1 | Coniine, nicotine-like alkaloid |
Four o'clock | Mirabilis jalapa | 1,3 | Seeds may have hallucinogenic effects; dermatitis, GI upset |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Garden sorrel | Rumex acetosa | 2b,3 | Soluble oxalates; dermatitis |
Geraniumb | Pelargonium spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Geranium, Californiab | Senecio petasitis | 1,3 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids; dermatitis |
Ginkgo | Ginkgo biloba | 1,3 | Dermatitis, mucous membrane irritation; GI upset; chronic use can increase bleeding time |
Goldenrod, rayless | Haplopappus heterophyllus | 1 | CNS depression reported in range animals |
Golden chain | Laburnum anagyroides | 1 | Cytisine |
Goldenseal | Hydrastis spp | 1,3 | GI upset; possible systemic toxicity based on animal studies (hypertension, seizures, respiratory failure) |
Gordolobo | Gnaphalium spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Gotu kola | Hydrocotyle asiatica | 1,3 | CNS depression, dermatitis |
Grape ivy | Cissus rhombifolia | 3 | Dermatitis |
Groundsel | Senecio spp | 1,3 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids; dermatitis |
Guaiac | Guaiacum officinale | 3 | Saponin |
Harmaline | Banisteriopsis spp | 1 | Harmaline (hallucinogen) |
Harmel | Peganum harmala | 1 | Harmaline (hallucinogen) |
Hawaiian woodrose | Merremia tuberosa | 1 | Hallucinogen (may contain LSD [see LSD]) |
Hawaiian baby woodrose | Argyreia nervosa | 1 | Hallucinogen (may contain LSD [see LSD]) |
Heart leaf philodendron | Philodendron spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Heath | Calluna vulgaris | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Heliotrope | Heliotropium spp | 1 | Pyrrolizidine alkaloids; hepatotoxicity |
Hell's bells | Datura stramonium | 1 | Anticholinergic |
Hemlockb (poison hemlock) | Conium maculatum | 1 | Coniine |
Hemlockb (water hemlock) | Cicuta maculata | 1 | Cicutoxin: seizures |
Henbane, black henbane | Hyoscyamus niger | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Holly (berry) | Ilex spp | 3 | GI upset. Many contain saponins |
Hop, European | Humulus lupulus | 3 | Dermatitis |
Hop, wild | Bryonia spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Horse chestnut | Aesculus spp | 1,3 | Aesculin |
Horsetail | Equisetum spp | 1 | Chronic use: hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and muscle weakness, possible symptoms nicotine-like |
Hyacinth | Hyacinthus spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Hydrangea | Hydrangea spp | 1,3 | Cyanogenic glycosides; GI upset; allergic contact dermatitis |
Indian currant | Symphoricarpos albus | 3 | GI upset |
Indian tobacco | Lobelia inflata | 1,3 | Lobeline, nicotine-like alkaloid; dermatitis |
Indigo weed, wild indigo | Baptisia tinctora | 1 | Cytisine |
Inkberry | Ilex glabra | 3 | Saponin |
Inkberry (pokeweed) | Phytolacca americana | 3 | Saponin |
Iris | Iris | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Ithang | Mitragyna spp | 1 | Kratom: sedative and stimulant effects, depending on dose |
I-thien-hung | Emilia sonchifolia | 1 | Pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Ivyb | Hedera helix | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Ivy bushb | Kalmia spp | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Jack-in-the-pulpit | Arisaema triphyllum | 2a,3 | Calcium oxalate crystals; dermatitis |
Jaggery palm | Caryota urens | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Jalap root | Exogonium purga | 3 | GI upset |
Jasmine, Carolina | Gelsemium spp | 1 | Gelsemium |
Jequirity bean | Abrus precatorius | 1 | Toxalbumin (abrin) |
Jerusalem cherry | Solanum pseudocapsicum | 1 | Solanine and possibly anticholinergic alkaloids |
Jessamine, Carolina or yellowb | Gelsemium spp | 1 | Gelsemium |
Jessamine, day bloomingb | Cestrum diurnum | 1 | Solanine and anticholinergic alkaloids |
Jessamine, night bloomingb | Cestrum nocturnum | 1 | Solanine and anticholinergic alkaloids |
Jessamine, poet'sb | Jasminum officianale | 3 | Dermatitis |
Jimmy weed | Haplopappus heterophyllus | 1 | CNS depression reported in range animals |
Jimsonweed | Brugmansia arborea, Datura | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Juniper | Juniperus virginiana and sabina | 1,3 | GI upset, dermatitis; chronic ingestion of J sabina may cause renal toxicity |
Kaffir lily | Clivia miniata | 3 | GI upset |
Kanna | Sceletium tortuosum | 1 | Mild hallucinogen |
Kava-kava | Piper methysticum | 1 | Acute: sedation, ataxia; chronic: dermatitis (scaling skin) and hepatotoxicity |
Kentucky coffee tree | Gymnocladus dioica | 1 | Cytisine, similar to nicotine |
Khat | Catha edulis | 1 | Mild stimulant: euphoria, mydriasis, tachycardia, anorexia |
Kratom | Mitragyna spp | 1 | Sedative and stimulant effects, depending on dose |
Lady's slipperb | Cypripedium spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Lady's slipperb | Pedilanthus tithymaloides | 1,3 | Euphorbiaceae; GI, skin and eye irritant |
Lantana | Lantana camara | 1 | Mild GI upset; rarely CNS and respiratory depression |
Larkspur | Delphinium | 1 | Aconitum-like |
Laurelb | Kalmia spp | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Laurelb | Laurus nobilis | 3 | Dermatitis, GI upset |
Licoriceb | Glycyrrhiza lepidata | 1,3 | Hypokalemia, water retention usually after chronic use but has occurred after single large ingestion; GI upset |
Licorice, wildb | Abrus precatorius | 1 | Toxalbumin |
Lily of the Nile | Agapanthus | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Lily-of-the-valleyb | Convallaria spp | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Lily-of-the-valley bushb | Pieris japonica | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Lion's ear | Leonotis leonurus | 1 | Mild hallucinogen |
Lobelia | Lobelia berlandieri | 1 | Lobeline |
Locoweedb | Astragalus spp | 1 | Pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Locoweedb | Datura stramonium | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids |
Locoweedb | Cannabis sativa | 1 | Mild hallucinogen |
Lupine | Lupinus spp | 1 | Quinolizidine |
Mad honey | Rhododendron genus | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Mandrakeb | Mandragora officinarum | 1 | Anticholinergic alkaloids (see Anticholinergic) |
Mandrakeb | Podophyllum peltatum | 1,3 | Oil is keratolytic, irritant; podophyllotoxin is similar to colchicine |
Marble queen pothos | Scindapsus aureus; Epipremnum aureum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Marijuana | Cannabis sativa | 1 | Mild hallucinogen |
Marsh marigold | Caltha palustris | 3 | Protoanemonin |
Mate | Ilex paraguariensis | 1 | Caffeine |
Mayapple | Podophyllum peltatum | 1,3 | Oil is keratolytic, irritant; podophyllotoxin is similar to colchicine |
Meadow crocus | Colchicum autumnale | 1 | Colchicine |
Mescal beanb | Sophora secundiflora | 1 | Cytisine, similar to nicotine |
Mescal buttonb | Lophophora williamsii | 1 | Hallucinogen |
Mexican breadfruit | Monstera deliciosa | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Milkweed | Asclepias spp | 1,3 | Cardiac glycosides; GI upset, CNS depressant, seizures |
Mistletoe, Americanb | Phoradendron flavescens | 3 | GI upset. Systemic toxicity rarely reported |
Mistletoe, Europeanb | Viscum album | 1,3 | Seizures (rare), GI upset |
Mock azaleab | Menziesia ferruginea | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Mock azaleab | Adenium obesum | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Monkshood | Aconitum napellus | 1 | Aconite |
Moonflowerb | Ipomoea alba | 3 | Dermatitis |
Moonflowerb | Datura inoxia | 1,3 | Anticholinergic alkaloids; dermatitis |
Moonseedb | Menispermaceae | 1 | Picrotoxin-like seizures |
Moonseed, Carolinab | Cocculus carolinus | 1 | Seizures possible |
Mormon tea | Ephedra viridis | 1 | Ephedra; tachycardia, hypertension |
Morning glory | Ipomoea violacea | 1 | Seeds hallucinogenic (LSD, see) |
Morning, noon, and night | Brunfelsia australis | 1 | Seizures |
Mountain laurel | Kalmia spp | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Naked lady | Amaryllis belladonna, Lycoris spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Narcissus | Narcissus spp | 2a,3 | GI upset, possibly calcium oxalates |
Nectarine (chewed pits) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Needlepoint ivy | Hedera helix | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Nephthytis | Syngonium podophyllum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Nettles, stinging | Urtica spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Nicotiana, ornamental | Nicotiana longiflora | 1 | Nicotine |
Nightshade | Solanum spp | 1 | Solanine and anticholinergic alkaloids |
Nightshade, black | Solanum nigrum | 1 | Solanine, anticholinergic alkaloids |
Nightshade, deadlyb | Atropa belladonna | 1 | Atropine |
Nightshade, deadlyb | Solanum nigrum | 1 | Solanine, anticholinergic alkaloids |
Nutmeg | Myristica fragrans | 1 | Hallucinogen; tachycardia, dry mouth, miosis, abdominal pain |
Oak | Quercus spp | 1 | Tannin |
Oakleaf ivyb | Hedera helix | 1,3 | GI upset, dermatitis; saponins |
Oakleaf ivyb, grape ivy | Cissus rhombifolia | 3 | Dermatitis |
Oleander | Nerium oleander | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Oleander, yellow | Thevetia peruviana | 1 | Cardiac glycosides, more toxic than Nerium |
Olive | Olea europaea | 3 | Dermatitis |
Ornamental cherry (chewed seeds) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Ornamental crab apple (chewed seeds) | Malus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Ornamental pear, Bradford pear | Pyrus calleryana | 3 | Dermatitis |
Ornamental pepperb | Capsicum annuum | 3 | Skin, eye and GI irritant |
Ornamental pepperb | Solanum pseudocapsicum | 1 | Solanine |
Ornamental plum (chewed seeds) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Oxalis | Oxalis spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Palm (thorns or spines) | Various | 3 | Cellulitis, synovitis |
Paper white narcissus | Narcissus spp | 2a,3 | GI upset; may contain calcium oxalates; no reports of systemic toxicity in humans |
Paradise tree | Melia azedarach | 1,3 | Chinaberry; severe GI upset, seizures |
Paraguay tea | Ilex paraguariensis | 1 | Caffeine |
Parsnip | Pastinaca sativa | 3 | Dermatitis, photosensitive |
Passion flower | Passiflora caerulea | 1 | Extract caused CNS depression, prolonged QT, and ventricular tachycardia |
Pasque flower | Anemone spp | 1 | Protoanemonin |
Peace lily | Spathiphyllum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Peach (chewed pits) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Pear (chewed seeds) | Pyrus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Pecan | Carya illinonensis | 3 | Dermatitis |
Pelargonium | Pelargonium spp | 3 | Possible dermatitis |
Pencil cactus | Euphorbia tirucalli | 3 | Ocular, dermal and GI irritation |
Pennyroyal (oil) | Mentha pulegium | 1 | Hepatic injury, coagulopathy, multiple-system failure |
Periwinkle | Vinca rosea | 1 | Contains vincristine, vinblastine |
Periwinkle, rose | Catharanthus roseus | 1 | Contains vincristine, vinblastine |
Peruvian lily | Alstroemeria aurantiaca | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Peyote, mescal | Lophophora williamsii | 1 | Mescaline, hallucinogen; vomiting, tachycardia, mydriasis, agitation |
Pheasant's-eye | Adonis vernalis | 1 | Possibly cardiac glycosides |
Philodendron | Philodendron spp | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Photinia | Photinia arbutifolia | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Pigeonberryb | Duranta repens | 3 | Saponin |
Pigeonberryb | Cornus canadensis | 3 | Dermatitis |
Pigeonberryb | Rivina humilis | 3 | Saponin |
Pigeonberryb | Phytolacca americana | 3 | Saponin |
Pinks | Dianthus caryophyllus | 3 | Dermatitis, possible GI upset |
Plum (chewed pits) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Poinsettia | Euphorbia pulcherrima | 3 | Possible GI upset |
Poison hemlock | Conium maculatum | 1 | Coniine |
Poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, poison vine | Toxicodendron spp | 3 | Urushiol oleoresin; contact dermatitis (Rhus dermatitis) |
Pokeweed (unripe berries) | Phytolacca americana | 3 | Saponin |
Poplar | Populus spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Poppy, Californiab | Eschscholzia californica | 1 | No recorded human toxicity (does not contain opium); sedating and anxiolytic in mice |
Poppy, commonb | Papaver somniferum | 1 | Opiates |
Poppy, Orientalb | Papaver orientale | 1 | Opiates |
Potato (green parts, sprouts) | Solanum tuberosum | 1 | Solanine and anticholinergic alkaloids |
Pothos, Pothos vine | Epipremnum aureum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Prayer bean | Abrus precatorius | 1 | Toxalbumin |
Pregnant onion | Ornithogalum caudatum | 1,3 | Contains digoxin-like substances; dermatitis |
Prickly pear (thorn) | Opuntia spp | 3 | Dermatitis, cellulitis, thorn injury |
Prickly poppy | Argemone mexicana | 1 | Sanguinaria |
Pride of China, pride of India | Melia azedarach | 1 | Chinaberry; severe GI upset, seizures |
Pride of Madeira | Echium spp | 1 | Pyrrolizidine alkaloids; hepatotoxicity |
Primrose | Primula vulgaris | 3 | Dermatitis |
Privet, common privet, California privet | Ligustrum spp | 3 | Saponin |
Purge nut | Jatropha curcas | 1 | Toxalbumin, Euphorbiaceae |
Purslane, milk | Euphorbia spp | 3 | Euphorbiaceae |
Pussy willow | Salix caprea | 3 | Dermatitis |
Pyracantha | Pyracantha | 3 | GI upset; thorn stab wounds can cause cellulitis |
Queen Anne's lace | Daucus carota | 3 | Dermatitis (psoralens) |
Queen's delight, queen's root | Stillingia sylvatica | 3 | Euphorbiaceae |
Ragweed | Ambrosia artemisiifolia | 3 | Dermatitis |
Ragwort, tansy | Senecio spp | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Ranunculus | Ranunculus spp | 1 | Protoanemonin |
Rattlebox | Crotalaria spectabilis | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Rattlebush | Baptista tinctoria | 1 | Cytisine |
Redwood tree | Sequoia sempervirens | 3 | Dermatitis |
Rhododendron, including honey made from rhododendron (mad honey) | Rhododendron genus | 1 | Grayanotoxin |
Rhubarb (leaves) | Rheum rhaponticum | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Rosary pea, rosary bean | Abrus precatorius | 1 | Toxalbumin (abrin) |
Rose (thorn) | Rosa spp | 3 | Cellulitis, dermatitis, thorn injury |
Rubber plant | Ficus elastica | 3 | Dermatitis |
Rue | Ruta graveolens | 3 | Dermatitis; possible abortifacient |
Rush | Equisetum spp | 1 | Chronic use: hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and muscle weakness; possible nicotine-like symptoms |
Rustyleaf | Menziesia ferruginea | 1 | Grayanotoxins |
Sagebrush | Artemisia spp | 1,3 | GI upset; CNS stimulant |
Salvia | Salvia divinorum | 1 | Hallucinogen |
Sassafras | Sassafras spp | 1 | Abortifacient, narcotic |
Scotch broom | Cytisus scoparius | 1,3 | Cytisine |
Shamrock | Oxalis spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Silvercup | Solandra grandiflora | 1 | Solanine and anticholinergic alkaloids |
Skullcap | Scutellaria lateriflora | 1 | Hepatotoxicity, possible seizures |
Skunk cabbageb | Symplocarpus foetidus | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Skunk cabbageb | Veratrum spp | 1,3 | Veratrum alkaloids |
Sky flower | Duranta repens | 3 | Saponin |
Smoke tree, smoke bush | Cotinus coggygria | 1,3 | Tannins, hydroquinone; dermatitis |
Snakerootb | Eupatorium rugosum | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Snakerootb (water hemlock) | Cicuta maculata | 1 | Cicutoxin; seizures |
Snakerootb | Aristolochia serpentina | 1,3 | GI upset; delayed-onset kidney injury |
Snowberry | Symphoricarpos spp | 3 | GI upset |
Sorrel | Oxalis spp, Rhumex spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Soursob | Oxalis spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Spathiphyllum | Spathiphyllum | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Spindle tree | Euonymus spp | 3 | GI upset |
Split leaf philodendron | Philodendron spp, Monstera deliciosa | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Squill | Scilla, Urginea maritima | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Star fruit | Averrhoa carambola | 2b | Soluble oxalates; reports of acute hypocalcemia in renal failure patients |
Star-of-Bethlehemb | Ornithogalum spp | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Star-of-Bethlehemb | Hippobroma longiflora | 1 | Lobeline |
St. John's wort | Hypericum perforatum | 1,3 | Mild serotonin reuptake inhibitor and MAO inhibitor |
Stinging nettles | Urtica spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Stink weed | Datura stramonium | 1 | Anticholinergic |
String of pearls/beads | Senecio spp | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Strychnine | Strychnos nux-vomica | 1 | Strychnine; seizures |
Sweet clover | Melilotus spp | 1 | Coumarins |
Sweet pea | Lathyrus odoratus | 1 | Neuropathy (lathyrism) after chronic use |
Sweet William | Dianthus barbatus | 3 | Gl upset, dermatitis |
Swiss cheese plant | Monstera deliciosa | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Syrian rue | Peganum harmala | 1 | Hallucinogen |
Tansy | Tanacetum spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Taro | Alocasia macrorrhia | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Taro | Colocasia esculenta | 2a | Calcium oxalate crystals |
Texas umbrella tree | Melia azedarach | 1 | Chinaberry |
Thornapple | Datura stramonium and inoxia | 1 | Anticholinergic |
Tobacco (flowering tobacco) | Nicotiana spp | 1 | Nicotine |
Tobacco, wild; tobacco, Indian | Lobelia inflata | 1 | Lobeline (similar to nicotine) |
Tonka bean | Dipteryx odorata | 1 | Coumarin glycosides |
Toyon (leaves) | Heteromeles arbutifolia, Photinia arbutifolia | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Tulip (bulb) | Tulipa | 3 | Dermatitis |
Tung nut, tung tree | Aleurites spp | 1,3 | Euphorbiaceae |
T'u-san-chi | Gynura segetum | 1 | Hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids |
Uva-ursi | Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | 1,3 | Hydroquinone; berries edible |
Valerian | Valeriana officinalis | 1 | Mild sedative, anxiolytic, hypnotic |
Verbena | Verbena officinalis and hastata | 3 | Dermatitis |
Virginia creeper | Parthenocissus spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Walnut | Juglans spp | 3 | Dermatitis |
Water hemlock | Cicuta maculata | 1 | Cicutoxin; seizures |
Weeping fig (sap) | Ficus benjamina | 3 | Dermatitis |
Weeping pagoda tree | Saphora japonica | 1 | Cytisine |
Weeping tea tree | Melaleuca leucadendron | 3 | Dermatitis |
Weeping willow | Salix babylonica | 3 | Dermatitis |
White cedarb | Melia azedarach | 1 | Chinaberry; severe GI upset, seizures |
White cedarb | Hura crepitans | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
White cedarb | Thuja occidentalis | 1 | Abortifacient, stimulant |
Wild calla | Calla palustris | 2a | Calcium oxalates |
Wild carrotb | Daucus carota | 3 | Dermatitis (psoralens) |
Wild carrotb | Cicuta maculata | 1 | Cicutoxin; seizures |
Wild cassada | Jatropha gossypifolia | 1 | Euphorbiaceae |
Wild cherry (chewed seeds) | Prunus spp | 1 | Cyanogenic glycosides |
Wild coffee | Polyscias guilfoyei | 3 | Saponin |
Wild cotton | Asclepias syriaca | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Wild cucumber | Marah oreganus | 1,3 | GI upset, cramping, shock, DIC, and death reported after drinking tea |
Wild dagga | Leonotis leonurus | 1 | Mild hallucinogen, sedative |
Wild fennel | Nigella damascena | 3 | Irritant, possible protoanemonin |
Wild garlic | Allium canadense | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Wild hops | Bryonia spp | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Wild indigo, indigo weed | Baptisia tinctora | 1 | Cytisine |
Wild iris | Iris versicolor | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Wild lemon | pelatum | 1,3 | Oil is keratolytic, irritant; podophyllotoxin is similar to colchicine |
Wild marjoram | Origanum vulgare | 3 | GI upset |
Wild oats | Arena fatua | 3 | GI upset |
Wild onionb | Allium canadense | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Wild onionb | Zigadenus spp | 1 | Veratrum alkaloids |
Wild passion flower | Passiflora incarnata | 1,3 | Extract caused CNS depression, prolonged QT, and ventricular tachycardia |
Wild parsnipb | Pastinaca sativa | 3 | Dermatitis (psoralens) |
Wild parsnipb | Cicuta maculata | 1 | Cicutoxin; seizures |
Wild parsnipb | Heracleum mantegazzianum | 3 | Dermatitis |
Wild parsnipb | Angelica archangelica | 3 | Dermatitis |
Wild pepper | Daphne mezereum | 3 | Daphne |
Wild rock rose | Cistus incanus | 3 | Dermatitis |
Windflower | Anemone | 1,3 | Protoanemonin; dermatitis |
Wisteria | Wisteria | 3 | GI upset |
Witch hazel | Hamamelis virginiana | 1 | Tannin |
Woodbind | Parthenocissus spp | 2b | Soluble oxalates |
Wood rose | Ipomoea violacea, Merremia tuberosa | 1 | Seeds hallucinogenic |
Wormwood, wormseed | Artemisia absinthium | 1 | Absinthe; possible CNS effects with large ingestion |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium | 3 | GI upset, dermatitis |
Yellow oleander | Thevetia peruviana | 1 | Cardiac glycosides |
Yerba buena | Poliomintha incana (not Satureia douglasi, which is not toxic) | 1 | Pennyroyal oil; hepatotoxicity, DIC, multiple-system failure |
Yerba lechera | Euphorbia spp | 1 | Euphorbiaceae |
Yerba mala | Euphorbia spp | 1 | Euphorbiaceae |
Yerba mate | Ilex paraguariensis | 1 | Caffeine |
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow | Brunfelsia australis | 1 | Tremors, rigidity, hyperthermia in animals |
Yewb | Taxus spp | 1 | Sodium and calcium channel blockade; AV block, wide QRS, hypotension |
Yew, Japaneseb | Podocarpus macrophylla | 3 | Dermatitis |
Yohimbine | Corynanthe yohimbe | 1 | Central alpha-2-receptor blocker; hypertension, tachycardia. Purported aphrodisiac |
aToxic group (see text). 1, systemically active toxins; 2a, insoluble oxalate crystals; 2b, soluble oxalate salts; 3, skin or GI irritants.
bNote: common name similar to other plants that may have different toxicity.
The amount of toxin ingested is usually unknown. Concentrations of the toxic agent may vary depending on the plant part, the season, and soil conditions. In general, childhood ingestions of a single leaf or a few petals, even of Group 1 plants, results in little or no toxicity because of the small amount of toxin absorbed. Steeping the plant in hot water (eg, an herbal tea) may allow very large amounts of toxin to be absorbed.
Depends on the active toxic agent (see Table II-49), although even nontoxic plants can cause coughing, choking, or gagging if a large piece is swallowed.
Usually is based on a history of exposure and the presence of plant material in vomitus. Identification of the plant is often difficult. Because common names sometimes refer to more than one plant, it is preferable to confirm the botanical name. If in doubt about the plant identification, take a cutting of the plant (not just a leaf or a berry) to a local nursery, florist, or college botany department.
Most ingestions cause no symptoms or only mild gastroenteritis. Patients recover quickly with supportive care.