Absorption: Without ritonavir: 37% absorbed following oral administration; with ritonavir: 82%. Food ↑ absorption by 30%.
Distribution: Unknown.
Protein Binding: 95%.
Half-Life: 15 hr.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
Based on concurrent use with ritonavir
Endo: Graves' disease, hyperglycemia
GI: autoimmune hepatitis, constipation, diarrhea, HEPATOTOXICITY, nausea, vomiting
MS: polymyositis
Neuro: Guillan-Barré syndrome
Misc: immune reconstitution syndrome
Drug-Natural Products:
(Oral suspension or tablets)
(Children 317 yr and ≥40 kg): Therapy-naive: 800 mg once daily with ritonavir 100 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 800 mg once daily with ritonavir 100 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 600 mg twice daily with ritonavir 100 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension or tablets)
(Children 317 yr and 3039.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 675 mg once daily with ritonavir 100 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 675 mg once daily with ritonavir 100 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 450 mg twice daily with ritonavir 60 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension or tablets)
(Children 317 yr and 1529.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 600 mg once daily with ritonavir 100 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 600 mg once daily with ritonavir 100 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 375 mg twice daily with ritonavir 48 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension only)
(Children 317 yr and 1414.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 490 mg once daily with ritonavir 96 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 490 mg once daily with ritonavir 96 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 280 mg twice daily with ritonavir 48 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension only)
(Children 317 yr and 1313.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 455 mg once daily with ritonavir 80 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 455 mg once daily with ritonavir 80 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 260 mg twice daily with ritonavir 40 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension only)
(Children 317 yr and 1212.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 420 mg once daily with ritonavir 80 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 420 mg once daily with ritonavir 80 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 240 mg twice daily with ritonavir 40 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension only)
(Children 317 yr and 1111.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 385 mg once daily with ritonavir 64 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 385 mg once daily with ritonavir 64 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 220 mg twice daily with ritonavir 32 mg twice daily.(Oral suspension only)
(Children 317 yr and 1010.9 kg): Therapy-naive: 350 mg once daily with ritonavir 64 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with no darunavir resistance associated substitution): 350 mg once daily with ritonavir 64 mg once daily; Therapy-experienced (with ≥1 darunavir resistance associated substitution or if genotypic testing not performed): 200 mg twice daily with ritonavir 32 mg twice daily.Lab Test Considerations: