Therapeutic Classification: antipyretics, antirheumatics, nonopioid analgesics
Pharmacologic Classification: nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs nsaids
Absorption: Completely absorbed from the GI tract. Sodium salt is more rapidly absorbed.
Distribution: Crosses the placenta; enters breast milk in low concentrations.
Protein Binding: >99%.
Half-Life: Children <8 yr: 817 hr; Children 814 yr: 810 hr; Adults: 1020 hr.
Contraindicated in:
Use Cautiously in:
CV: edema, HF, hypertension, MI, palpitations, tachycardia
Derm: ↑sweating, DRUG REACTION WITH EOSINOPHILIA AND SYSTEMIC SYMPTOMS (DRESS), photosensitivity, pseudoporphyria (12% incidence in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritisdiscontinue therapy if this occurs), rash, STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME, TOXIC EPIDERMAL NECROLYSIS
EENT: tinnitus, visual disturbances
F and E: hyperkalemia
GI: constipation, dyspepsia, nausea, anorexia, diarrhea, discomfort, flatulence, GI BLEEDING, HEPATITIS, vomiting
GU: cystitis, hematuria, renal failure
Hemat: blood dyscrasias, prolonged bleeding time
Neuro: dizziness, drowsiness, headache, STROKE
Resp: dyspnea
Drug-Natural Products:
OTC Use (naproxen sodium)
(Generic available)Naproxen Sodium
(Generic available)Lab Test Considerations:
NDC Code