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All inhalational anesthetics decrease cerebral vascular resistance and the cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen.

  1. Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in children of all ages is similar to that in adults, although it occurs at greater blood flow rates. The lower limit of autoregulation in children of all ages appears to be similar (60 mm Hg mean arterial pressure).
  2. Bispectral index readings are imprecise in children < 5 years of age.


Pediatric Anesthesia

  1. Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Pharmacology
  3. Respiration
  4. Cardiovascular
  5. Central Nervous System
  6. Renal
  7. Hepatic
  8. In Vivo Metabolism
  9. Intravenous
  10. Sedatives
  11. Preoperative Assessment
  12. Induction of Anesthesia
  13. Preoperative Preparation
  14. Induction Techniques
  15. Maintenance of Anesthesia
  16. Emergency and Recovery from Anesthesia
  17. Transfer to the Postanesthesia Care Unit (PACU)