Check visual acuity with eyeglasses or contact lens correction using a Snellen chart or similar tool. Map VFs by confrontation testing in each quadrant of VF for each eye individually. The best method is to sit facing pt (2-3 ft apart) and then have pt cover one eye gently and fix uncovered eye on examiner's nose. A small white object (e.g., a cotton-tipped applicator) is then moved slowly from periphery of field toward center until seen. Pt's VF should be mapped against examiner's for comparison. Formal perimetry and tangent screen examination are essential to identify small defects. Optic fundi should be examined with an ophthalmoscope, and the color, size, and degree of swelling or elevation of the optic disc recorded. The retinal vessels should be checked for size, regularity, arteriovenous (AV) nicking at crossing points, hemorrhage, exudates, and aneurysms. The retina, including the macula, should be examined for abnormal pigmentation and other lesions.