Diseases and Injuries Index Term
Absence adrenal Q89.1acquiredE89.6
albumin in bloodE88.09
alimentary tract Q45.8upperQ40.8
alveolar process , see [Anomaly, alveolar]
ankle Z89.44-
anus Q42.3with fistulaQ42.2
aorta Q25.41
appendix, congenitalQ42.8
arm Z89.20-above elbowZ89.22-congenital , see [Agenesis, arm, with hand present]and hand, see [Agenesis, forearm, and hand]
below elbowZ89.21-congenital , see [Agenesis, arm, with hand present]and hand, see [Agenesis, forearm, and hand]
congenital, see [Defect, reduction, upper limb]
shoulder Z89.23-congenital , see [Agenesis, arm, with hand present]
artery Q27.8brainQ28.3
specified NECQ27.8
atrial septum Q21.19
auditory canal Q16.1
auricle , congenitalQ16.0
bile, biliary duct, congenitalQ44.5
bladder Z90.6congenitalQ64.5
bowel soundsR19.11
brainQ00.0part ofQ04.3
breast Z90.1-congenitalQ83.8
broad ligamentQ50.6
bronchus Q32.4
canaliculus lacrimalis, congenitalQ10.4
cerebellum Q04.3
cervix Z90.710with remaining uterusZ90.712
chin, congenitalQ18.8
cilia Q10.3acquired, see [Madarosis]
clitoris Q52.6
coccyx, congenitalQ76.49
cold senseR20.8
congenitallumen, see [Atresia]
organ or site NEC, see [Agenesis]
septum, see [Imperfect, closure]
corpus callosumQ04.0
cricoid cartilage, congenitalQ31.8
diaphragm , congenitalQ79.1
digestive organ or tract, congenitalQ45.8acquired NECZ90.49
ductus arteriosusQ28.8
duodenum Z90.49congenitalQ41.0
ear, congenitalQ16.9acquiredH93.8-
lobe, lobuleQ17.8
middle, except ossiclesQ16.4ossiclesQ16.3
ejaculatory duct Q55.4
endocrine gland NECQ89.2acquiredE89.89
epididymis Q55.4acquiredZ90.79
epiglottis, congenitalQ31.8
esophagus Q39.8acquired Z90.49
eustachian tube Q16.2
extremity Z89.9congenitalQ73.0
knee Z89.52-
lower Z89.619below kneeZ89.51-
upper, see [Absence, arm]
eye Z90.01congenitalQ11.1
muscle Q10.3
eyeball Z90.01
eyelid Q10.3acquiredZ90.01
face, specified part NECQ18.8
fallopian tube Z90.79congenitalQ50.6
family member NEC, see also [Disruption, family]Z63.32
femur, congenital, see [Defect, reduction, lower limb, longitudinal, femur]
fibrinogen D68.2acquiredD65
finger Z89.02-congenital, see [Agenesis, hand]
foot Z89.43-congenital, see [Agenesis, foot]
forearm , see [Absence, arm, below elbow]
gallbladder Z90.49congenitalQ44.0
gamma globulin in bloodD80.1hereditaryD80.0
genital organsacquired Z90.79
female, congenitalQ52.8externalQ52.71
internal NECQ52.8
male, congenitalQ55.8
genitourinary organs, congenital NECfemaleQ52.8
globe Z90.01congenitalQ11.1
glottis, congenitalQ31.8
hand and wrist Z89.11-congenital, see [Agenesis, hand]
head, part NECZ90.09
heat senseR20.8
hip Z89.62-
hymen Q52.4
ileum Z90.49congenitalQ41.2
immunoglobulin, isolated NECD80.3IgAD80.2
incus , see [Loss, ossicles, ear]congenitalQ16.3
inner ear, congenitalQ16.5
intestine Z90.49congenitalQ41.9specified NECQ41.8
largeZ90.49congenitalQ42.9specified NECQ42.8
iris, congenitalQ13.1
jejunum Z90.49congenitalQ41.1
jointacquiredhip Z89.62-
knee Z89.52-
shoulder Z89.23-
congenital NECQ74.8
kidney Z90.5congenitalQ60.2bilateralQ60.1
knee Z89.52-
labyrinth, membranousQ16.5
larynx Q31.8acquiredZ90.02
leg Z89.61-below knee Z89.51-
congenital, see [Defect, reduction, lower limb]
lens , see also [Aphakia]congenitalQ12.3
post cataract extractionZ98.4-
limb , see [Absence, extremity]
liver Q44.79
lung Q33.3acquired Z90.2
menstruation, see [Amenorrhea]
muscle Q79.8ocularQ10.3
neck, partQ18.8
neutrophil, see [Agranulocytosis]
nipple Z90.1-congenitalQ83.2
nose Q30.1acquiredZ90.09
organof Corti, congenitalQ16.5
or site, congenital NECQ89.8acquired NECZ90.89
osseous meatus Q16.4
ovary bilateralZ90.722
oviduct bilateralZ90.722
pancreas Q45.0acquiredZ90.410completeZ90.410
parathyroid gland E89.2congenitalQ89.2
patella, congenitalQ74.1
penis Q55.5acquiredZ90.79
pericardium Q24.8
pituitary gland Q89.2acquiredE89.3
prostate Z90.79congenitalQ55.4
pulmonary valveQ22.0
punctum lacrimale Q10.4
radius, congenital, see [Defect, reduction, upper limb, longitudinal, radius]
rectum Q42.1with fistulaQ42.0
respiratory organ NOSQ34.9
rib Z90.89congenitalQ76.6
sacrum, congenitalQ76.49
salivary gland , congenitalQ38.4
scrotum, congenitalQ55.29
seminal vesicles Q55.4acquiredZ90.79
septumatrial Q21.19
between aorta and pulmonary arteryQ21.4
ventricular Q20.4
sex chromosomefemale phenotypeQ97.8
male phenotypeQ98.8
skull bone Q75.8withanencephalyQ00.0
encephalocele, see [Encephalocele]
hydrocephalusQ03.9with spina bifida, see [Spina bifida, by site, with hydrocephalus]
spermatic cord, congenitalQ55.4
spine, congenitalQ76.49
spleen Q89.01acquiredZ90.81
sternum, congenitalQ76.7
stomach Z90.3congenitalQ40.2
superior vena cava, congenitalQ26.8
teeth, tooth K00.0acquired K08.109class IK08.101
class IIK08.102
class IIIK08.103
class IVK08.104
due tocariesK08.139class IK08.131
class IIK08.132
class IIIK08.133
class IVK08.134
periodontal diseaseK08.129class IK08.121
class IIK08.122
class IIIK08.123
class IVK08.124
specified NECK08.199class IK08.191
class IIK08.192
class IIIK08.193
class IVK08.194
traumaK08.119class IK08.111
class IIK08.112
class IIIK08.113
class IVK08.114
partialK08.409class IK08.401
class IIK08.402
class IIIK08.403
class IVK08.404
due tocariesK08.439class IK08.431
class IIK08.432
class IIIK08.433
class IVK08.434
periodontal diseaseK08.429class IK08.421
class IIK08.422
class IIIK08.423
class IVK08.424
specified NECK08.499class IK08.491
class IIK08.492
class IIIK08.493
class IVK08.494
traumaK08.419class IK08.411
class IIK08.412
class IIIK08.413
class IVK08.414
tendon Q79.8
testis Q55.0acquiredZ90.79
thumb Z89.01-congenital, see [Agenesis, hand]
thymus glandQ89.2
thyroid E89.0cartilage, congenitalQ31.8
toe Z89.42-with foot, see [Absence, foot and ankle]
congenital, see [Agenesis, foot]
tongue, congenitalQ38.3
trachea , congenitalQ32.1
transverse aortic arch, congenitalQ25.49
tricuspid valveQ22.4
umbilical artery, congenitalQ27.0
upper arm and forearm with hand present, congenital, see [Agenesis, arm, with hand present]
ureter Q62.4acquiredZ90.6
urethra, congenitalQ64.5
uterus Z90.710with cervixZ90.710
with remaining cervical stumpZ90.711
uvula, congenitalQ38.5
vagina, congenitalQ52.0
vas deferens Q55.4acquiredZ90.79
vein congenital NECQ27.8cerebralQ28.3
digestive systemQ27.8
lower limbQ27.8
specified site NECQ27.8
upper limbQ27.8
vena cava , congenitalQ26.8
ventricular septumQ20.4
vertebra, congenitalQ76.49
von Willebrand factor, complete , see also [Disease, von Willebrand]D68.03
vulva, congenitalQ52.71
wrist Z89.12-