appetite R63.0hystericalF50.89nonorganic originF50.89psychogenicF50.89
blood, see [Hemorrhage]
bone, see [Loss, substance of, bone]
control, sphincter, rectumR15.9nonorganic originF98.1
consciousness, transientR55traumatic, see [Injury, intracranial]
elasticity, skinR23.4
family in childhoodZ62.898
fluid E86.9
function of labyrinthH83.2
hair, nonscarring, see [Alopecia]
hearing, see also [Deafness]central NOSH90.5conductiveH90.2bilateralH90.0unilateralwithrestricted hearing on the contralateral sideH90.A1-unrestricted hearing on the contralateral sideH90.1-mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing lossH90.8bilateralH90.6unilateralwithrestricted hearing on the contralateral sideH90.A3-unrestricted hearing on the contralateral sideH90.7-neural NOSH90.5perceptive NOSH90.5sensorineural NOSH90.5bilateralH90.3unilateralwithrestricted hearing on the contralateral sideH90.A2-unrestricted hearing on the contralateral sideH90.4-sensory NOSH90.5
limb or member, traumatic, current, see [Amputation, traumatic]
love relationship in childhoodZ62.898
memory, see also [Amnesia]mild, following organic brain damageF06.8
mind, see [Psychosis]
occlusal vertical dimension of fully erupted teethM26.37
organ or part, see [Absence, by site, acquired]
ossicles, ear H74.32-
parent in childhoodZ63.4
pregnancy, recurrentN96care in current pregnancyO26.2-without current pregnancyN96
recurrent pregnancy, see [Loss, pregnancy, recurrent]
self-esteem, in childhoodZ62.898
sense ofsmell, see [Disturbance, sensation, smell]taste, see [Disturbance, sensation, taste]touchR20.8
sexual desireF52.0
sight , see [Blindness]
substance ofbone, see [Disorder, bone, density and structure, specified NEC]horizontal alveolarK06.3cartilage, see [Disorder, cartilage, specified type NEC]auricle , see [Disorder, pinna, specified type NEC]vitreous H15.89
tooth, teeth, see [Absence, teeth, acquired]
vision, visualH54.7both eyesH54.3one eyeH54.60left H54.62right H54.61specified as blindness, see [Blindness]subjectivesuddenH53.13-transientH53.12-
vitreous, see [Prolapse, vitreous]
voice, see [Aphonia]
weight R63.4